Affiliate Tracking

Affiliate tracking is essential for monitoring and improving the performance of affiliate programmes. Using special tracking codes and tools, companies can track visitor activity and conversions in a targeted manner, increase the effectiveness of affiliate programmes and build long-term partnerships with qualified affiliates.

Certified affiliate marketing agency


Affiliate tracking can pose various challenges and difficulties for companies


We increase the success of your affiliate programm by implementing suitable tools and strategies and establishing clear communication with affiliate partners.


An efficient tracking system is essential for evaluating the success of marketing campaigns. That's why we take a close look at your tracking system. Is a cookie switch implemented? Are the right cookies being set and are the cookie settings correct? This way, we prevent channel overlaps and ensure that sales costs are only incurred once.

Tracking system analysis
Evaluation of cookie settings and consent management


A well-functioning tracking system is essential for success in affiliate marketing. To ensure this, we collaborate with experts and offer our clients a tracking workshop to ensure they are always well-equipped and up-to-date on tracking matters.

Current issues in the field of tracking
Cookies and consent banners
Important tools


Tracking links need to be regularly checked and updated to ensure the proper functioning of your tracking system. We monitor industry developments as well as changes to affiliate network policies and implement changes and improvements to your tracking system.

Tracking evaluation
Monitoring & updates


Using affiliate tracking software, we can accurately monitor and analyse the developments and successes of an affiliate marketing programme. These tools make it easy to track key metrics such as click rates, conversions, and earned commissions, enabling us to identify areas for improvement and optimisation, as well as manage our work with publishers.

Publisher management


The process for our collaborationg is divided into five steps, from the initial meeting to tracking maintenance.


Initial meeting

We get an understanding of the tracking system and cookie rules used and determine your affiliate tracking goals together.


Tracking check

The existing tracking is put through its paces. We pay attention to the double tracking cookie sequence, consistency, and other important indicators.


Tracking workshop

We discuss our recommendations for action together. If we have discovered double tracking, we also discuss this ‘fake revenue’.



We implement the discussed changes and optimisations and guarantee honest, adjusted affiliate sales, which are also shown in the report.


Tracking maintenance

We regularly review the functioning of the tracking and jointly discuss trends and changes in the area of affiliate tracking.


We are an owner-managed online marketing agency specialising in the affiliate channel. We manage our clients' partner programmes strategically and proactively.

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Affiliate-only agency

Our expertise lies exclusively in affiliate marketing. We use targeted strategies to increase our clients' reach in the affiliate channel in an extremely effective way.

Transparent way of working

Honest, clear and open communication is essential for us. We value fair cooperation based on clear guidelines, precise tracking and transparent remuneration structures.

Extensive experience

As long-time affiliate marketers, we have experienced almost every problem. Over the years, we have also developed high-quality partnerships with key publishers to deliver first-class results for our clients.

Expert network

Together with our partners, we form an experienced network of experts in the four areas of Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Product Data Marketing (PDM), Product Listing Advertising (PLA), and Affiliate Marketing.



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What is affiliate tracking?

Affiliate tracking refers to the process by which a company tracks and records the activities and transactions of publishers to ensure that they are appropriately compensated for their referred sales or leads. Tracking allows advertisers to determine exactly which publishers are responsible for the revenue generated and pay out the appropriate commission or compensation. This enables transparent and fair billing of affiliate partnerships.

How does an affiliate link work?

An affiliate link is a special URL link provided by an advertisor to publishers. The affiliate link contains a unique tracker or code that enables the company to identify the visitors who have reached the website via the link and to track the activities of these visitors.

If a visitor clicks on the affiliate link and then performs a desired action on the company's website, such as making a purchase, the corresponding commission or remuneration is paid to the publisher. By using affiliate links, the effectiveness of the affiliate marketing campaign is measured and the publisher's performance is evaluated.

How do I set up affiliate tracking?

1. Choose an affiliate tracking tool:D
ecide on an affiliate tracking tool or affiliate marketing platform that suits your requirements and budget, for example Awin.

2. Create an affiliate programme:
Set up an affiliate programme by determining commission structures, providing promotional materials and setting terms and conditions of participation.

3. Generate affiliate links:
After registration, publishers are given access to the partner portal, where they can find various advertising media such as text links, banners, or product feeds. By selecting these advertising media and generating the tracking link, publishers receive their individual affiliate link.

4. Integrate the tracking code:
Add the tracking code or pixel of the affiliate tracking tool to your website to track visitor activity.

5. Monitor and evaluate:
Track the performance of your affiliate partners using the affiliate tracking tool. Analyse key figures such as clicks, conversions, and sales to optimise the success of your affiliate programme.

What does affiliate tracking software offer?

An affiliate tracking platform offers advertisers and publishers a variety of functions and services to efficiently manage and optimise affiliate marketing.

The most important features of an affiliate tracking platform include
- Tracking and reporting
- Supply of affiliate advertising materials
- Commission accounting