Affiliate Marketing Programme Analysis

As specialists in affiliate marketing, we know how important it is to analyse the success of your campaigns.

Certified affiliate marketing agency


When it comes to affiliate marketing, businesses may face a variety of challenges and difficulties.


Our affiliate marketing programme analysis maximises the success of your affiliate programme through targeted recommendations.


KPI analysis

We analyse important KPIs such as shopping basket values, sales figures, cancellation rates and conversion rates in order to identify weaknesses and develop recommendations.


Competitor analysis

We systematically examine the affiliate programmes of your competitors and analyse strengths and weaknesses, market position, strategies, and activities.


Publisher analysis

We check whether your publishers are an optimal fit for your programme, develop campaigns with individual publishers and identify unused budgets to maximise your potential.


Tracking analysis

We take a closer look at your tracking system to ensure the success of your affiliate programme and prevent channel overlaps.


Fraud analysis

We identify and monitor suspicious activities to ensure that only real interactions from real users are measured and taken into account.


KPI analysis is a crucial part of sales controlling and is used to measure and optimise the success of sales activities. By systematically evaluating key performance indicators, weaknesses can be identified, and measures to enhance sales efficiency can be derived. In this process, we examine the following KPIs, among others:

Revenue, sales and average order value
Number ͏of new customers vs. returning customers
Conversi͏on rate
Cancellation and return rates


A competitor analysis is a strategic evaluation of other affilliate programmes who advertise similar products or services. The aim of a competitor analysis is to identify competitive advantages in order to strengthen your own market position and competitiveness.

Identification of competitors
Analysis of competitor affiliate programmes
Recommended actions for your own programme


A publisher analysis investigates and evaluates the publishers who participate in an affiliate programme. Various aspects of the publisher are analysed in order to evaluate its performance and value for the programme. The analysis includes the following aspects:

T͏raffic quality
Convers͏ion ra͏te
Reliability and reputation
Advertising methods (e.g. banners, content marketing)
Sales model (e.g. pay-per-sale, pay-per-lead)


As part of a tracking analysis, we ensure that all necessary data is recorded correctly, including page views, clicks, and conversions. This also includes the identification of possible errors and inconsistencies, as well as the correct setting of cookies.

Tracking accuracy
Data integrity
Campaign tracking
Cookie check


Performing a comprehensive fraud analysis enables us to identify potential fraud attempts and increase protection against fraud. Fraud analysis is therefore an efficient way of optimising marketing spend.

Data analysis
IP check
Attribut͏io͏n analys͏is
Part͏n͏er check
Ad fraud detection (e.g. bot traffic, click farming)


We are an owner-managed online marketing agency specialising in the affiliate channel. We manage our clients' partner programmes strategically and proactively.

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Affiliate-only agency

Our expertise lies exclusively in affiliate marketing. We use targeted strategies to increase our clients' reach in the affiliate channel in an extremely effective way.

Transparent way of working

Honest, clear and open communication is essential for us. We value fair cooperation based on clear guidelines, precise tracking and transparent remuneration structures.

Extensive experience

As long-time affiliate marketers, we have experienced almost every problem. Over the years, we have also developed high-quality partnerships with key publishers to deliver first-class results for our clients.

Expert network

Together with our partners, we form an experienced network of experts in the four areas of Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Product Data Marketing (PDM), Product Listing Advertising (PLA), and Affiliate Marketing.



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What does an affiliate marketing programme analysis entail?

An affiliate marketing programme analysis includes the following services:
- KPI analysis
- Competitor analysis
- Publisher analysis
- Tracking analysis
- Fraud analysis

As part of an affiliate marketing analysis, we analyse the results, suggest measures for optimising the affiliate programme and provide an outlook on possible successes.

How can my affiliate programme become more successful?

Identify suitable affiliate partners for your company. Look for partners who fit your target group and have a wide reach.Offer attractive commissions and incentives for your affiliate partners to motivate them to promote your products.

Ensure that your affiliate partners have all the necessary information and materials to promote your products effectively. This can include product images, descriptions, and special discount codes, for example.

Monitor the performance of your affiliate partners regularly and optimise campaigns based on the results. Focus on successful partners and terminate collaborations with partners who do not deliver results.

Use tracking tools to measure the success of your affiliate campaigns and track important key figures such as clicks, conversions, and sales. An external tracking system that monitors all areas and has an integrated alert tool that informs you of any dips is best suited for this.

Maintain close communication with your affiliate partners and support them with questions or problems.

How do I set up affiliate tracking?

1. Select an affiliate tracking tool:
Decide on an affiliate tracking tool or affiliate marketing platform that suits your requirements and budget, for example Awin.

2. Create an affiliate programme:
Set up an affiliate programme by determining commission structures, providing promotional materials and setting terms and conditions.

3. Generate affiliate links:After registration, publishers are given access to the partner portal, where they can find various advertising media such as text links, banners, or product feeds. By selecting these advertising media and generating the tracking link, publishers receive their individual affiliate link.

4. Integrate the tracking code:
Add the tracking code or pixel of the tracking tool to your website to track visitor activity.

5. Monitor and evaluate:
Track the performance of your affiliate partners using the tracking tool. Analyse key figures such as clicks, conversions, and sales to optimise the success of your affiliate programme.

Which steps does an affiliate marketing analysis entail?

An affiliate marketing analysis at GearUP consists of three steps:
1. Agreement on the focus of the analysis and confidentiality agreement
2. Carrying out the analysis
3. Implementation of the suggestions for improvement